Dobrovolskaya I. P. Polymer scaff for tissue engineering /
I. P. Dobrovolskaya, V. E. Yudin, P. V. Popryadukhin,
E. M. Ivan’kova. – St. Petersburg: Mediapapir, 2018. – 232 p.
The monograph is devoted to current problems of tissue engineering and trans- plantology. The interdisciplinary approach used in it is aimed at creating new bio- composite materials for restoring the lost functions of individual tissues or organs. The monograph describes modern methods for producing one-two and three- dimensional matrices based on resorbable and non-resorbable polymers. Studies include the wet spinning method for producing composite fibers based on chitosan and montmorillonite nanoparticles, chrysotile, and chitin nanofibrils. Electroform- ing produced nanofibers containing chitin nanofibrils. Lyophilization of chitosan solutions and their mixtures with nanoparticles formed composite porous three-di- mensional matrices with enhanced stability in aqueous media, which allowed them to be used as matrices for tissue engineering. The book contains not only a detailed description of methods for producing polymeric materials and scaffolds based on them, but also convincing evidence of good adhesion and high proliferation rate of stem and somatic cells of humans and animals, and the absence of cytotoxicity. It has been shown that the materials developed in the form of fibers, films, tubular samples from nanofibers and sponges can be used as blood vessels, as well as effec- tive wound dressing. The monograph presents original and very important data on the resorption of materials in a living organism.
The monograph can be used by senior students of technical universities in the field of materials science, medical physics and biophysics, as well as medical univer- sities in the field of cardiovascular, plastic surgery, traumatology and orthopedics.
ISBN 978-5-00110-061-4