Pushkareva L. V., Feiling T. B. Cooperation of brands in modern economic reality: higher education institutions and sphere of culture and art: Monograph. — St. Petersburg: Publishing Press Association, 2018. — 92 p.
In new market reality the economy of impressions in which the new level of interaction between brands and target audiences is formed is gaining particular importance. in these conditions the company in a service sector, including higher educational institutions, becomes the supplier of «impressions». The economy of impressions includes methods and tools of art collaboration in which active part is taken by various brands.
At the present stage cooperation of education institutions with art and culture industries is becoming one of the effective mechanisms of educational brand promotion, increase of consumer loyalty, creation of competitive superiority in the market.
А u t h o r s:
Pushkareva L. V. Organization: Good North-Western Management Institute of the Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation (SZIU Russian) State and municipal administration Chair, Professor, doctor of economic sciences.
Feiling T. B. Organization: FGBOU VO «RSHU», St. Petersburg, Russia, associate professor, PhD in pedagogical sciences.
R e v i e w e r s:
Galochkina O. Organization: University under the Eaec IPA, рrofessor, doctor of economic sciences.
Bezgacheva O. Organization: Saint-Petersburg State University of technology management and economics, associate professor, PhD in pedagogical sciences.
ISBN 978-5-91155-054-7
© Pushkareva L. V., Feiling T. B., 2018
© Publishing Press Association, 2018